Internationalization Support

Rfluxx offers a simple internationalization support package.


You can use the rfluxx yeoman generator to setup your project with internationalization support.

You can also install an npm package:

npm i --save-dev rfluxx-i18n

Getting started

Before you can use the resource management in your app you have to prepare it a little bit.

For most steps you can use the snippets from the rfluxx vs code snippet extension.

Create language resources

First you need to create the files containing the resources for your project, e.g.


export type ResourceTexts = typeof resources;

export const resources = {
    text1: "The first resource text",


import { ResourceTexts } from "./Resources.en";

export const resources: ResourceTexts = {
    text1: "The first resource text in this language",

The resources are provided in a simple java script object. You can even create arbitrary constructs, e.g. subobjects in the resources.

Create a language initialization file

Now you need to prepare your app specific languages and ResourceText class.


import { ILanguage, CreateResourceTextComponent } from "rfluxx-i18n";
import { ResourceTexts, resources as resourcesEn } from "./Resources.en";
// import { resources as resourcesDe } from "./";

export const ResourceText = CreateResourceTextComponent<ResourceTexts>();

export type Language = ILanguage<ResourceTexts>;

export const languages: Language[] = [
        key: "en",
        caption: "English",
        resources: resourcesEn
        key: "de",
        caption: "Deutsch",
        //resources: resourcesDe,
        // secondary languages can be lazy loaded via webpack
        // chunks
        resolve: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "" */"./").then(x => x.resources)

Here you first create a type ResourceText which you will use in your pages to create localized texts.

After that you specify the languages that you want to use. They include a

  • key: Used for identifying the language (must be unique) and indicating it in the url
  • caption: Caption to use for the language
  • resources: The resource object that we just created and that contains the texts

Register in global container

Finally you need to register the IResourceStore in your global container


// ...
import { registerResourcesGlobally } from "rfluxx-i18n";

import { languages } from "./i18n/Languages";

export class GlobalContainerFactory extends GlobalContainerFactoryBase
    protected registerStores(builder: IGlobalContainerBuilder): void
        registerResourcesGlobally(builder, languages);

        // ...

Use resource text in your components

Now that everything is setup you can use ResourceText components in your components:

public render()
    return <div>
        <ResourceText getText={x => x.text1 }/>

Note that you get code completion and error indication if you specify a resource that does not exist.

Choosing the language

To change the language you can bind a component to the IResourceStore. It provides everything that you need to change the language.


import { createStyles, MenuItem, Select, Theme, WithStyles } from "@material-ui/core";
import withStyles from "@material-ui/core/styles/withStyles";
import * as React from "react";
import { subscribeStoreSelect, IResolveStoreFromContainerProps } from "rfluxx-react";
import { IResourceStore, IResourceStoreState } from "rfluxx-i18n";
import { usePageContext, IPageContextProps } from "rfluxx-routing";

import { Language, ResourceText } from "./Languages";
import { ResourceTexts } from "./Resources.en";

export const styles = (theme: Theme) => createStyles({
    root: {

 * State for { @LanguageChooser }
export interface ILanguageChooserState


 * Props for { @LanguageChooser }
export interface ILanguageChooserProps
    extends WithStyles<typeof styles>, IPageContextProps
     * The languages that are available for choosing.
    languages: Language[];

     * The currently selected language.
    activeLanguage: Language;

     * Change the language.
    setLanguage: (e) => void;

 * Component that allows to select a language.
export const LanguageChooserComp = withStyles(styles)(
    class extends React.Component<ILanguageChooserProps, ILanguageChooserState>
         * Renders the component.
        public render(): React.ReactNode
            const { classes, languages, activeLanguage, setLanguage, } = this.props;

            return <Select value={activeLanguage ? activeLanguage.key : "" }
                {languages && => {
                    return <MenuItem value={x.key}>

// this code binds the component to the ResourceStore
// the actual instance of the ResourceStore is not yet given
const LanguageChooserBound = subscribeStoreSelect<IResourceStore<ResourceTexts>, IResourceStoreState<ResourceTexts>>()(
    (storeState, store) => ({
        // bind the stores state to this components props
        activeLanguage: storeState.activeLanguage,
        languages: storeState.availableLanguages,
        setLanguage: e => store.setLanguage.trigger(

// not so nice yet :( but the type system currently fails here
export const LanguageChooser = usePageContext(LanguageChooserBound) as React.ComponentType<IResolveStoreFromContainerProps<IResourceStore<ResourceTexts>, IResourceStoreState<ResourceTexts>>>;