Master component

Usually, apps have a common theme around the pages that are opened on different routes. We call this a master component.

Naturally, you would expect to have all the dependency injection and context management available in those master components.

The routing framework therefore makes master components a first class citizen that you can integrate into your app the same way as other pages.

Master and dependency injection

The master component receives the same context as the page itself.

Therefore, the registrations required by the master component should be globally available.

A simple master

// Receive the page to render as a prop
export interface IMasterProps extends IPageMasterProps

export interface IMasterState

export class Master extends React.Component<IMasterProps, IMasterState>
    constructor(props: any)

        this.state = {

    public render(): any
        return <div>
     { this.props.pageComponent }

Applying a master

In your app root component you should set the master component as a prop of the current page.

public render(): any
    return <CurrentPage pageManagementStore={this.props.pageManagementStore}
        renderNoPage={() => <div>
            404: No page found on this url!</div>}
                    pageMasterTemplate={<Master />} />;