Getting started

NOTE: Work in Progress.

Setup an app

This tutorial assumes that you are comfortable with the basics of a react app.

To setup an initial rfluxx app with routing you can use the YEOMAN rfluxx generator.

First install yeoman and the rfluxx generator:

npm i -g yo generator-rfluxx

Then you can create a directory for your app and execute:

yo rfluxx

Enter a technical and user readable name for your app and you got a ready made skelleton for your rfluxx app.

Understanding the app skelleton

Notes about dependencies

The app skeleton takes an opinionated approach to which frameworks you should use.

This is a completely personal choice. But the frameworks that are included have proven to work together. Feel free to replace them as you see fit.

The app skeleton (and also the code snippets for vs code) provide integration with material-ui. If you don't understand the setup of react components take a look at the typescript guide of material-ui.

It is also preconfigured to be build with webpack. It uses karma and Jasmine for running unit tests.

Define the site map tree

The starting point of each react app is usually the index.tsx. To this startup code we will add the creation of the site map tree and the initialization of the rfluxx routing package.

Because the site map tree can become quite large it makes sense to extract it into one or several modules. In the skelleton it is located in pages/home/SiteMapNode.tsx. Its recommended to define each page in its own folder and also collocate the site map node code ther. The home pages site map node is imported and used in the index.tsx file.

const siteMap: ISiteMapNode = homePageSiteMapNode;

Let's examine the home site map node at pages/home/SiteMapNode.tsx in more detail.

export const siteMapNode: ISiteMapNode = 
    caption: "Home Page",
    routeExpression: "/home",
    containerFactory: new ContainerFactory(),
    render: p => <HomePage />

The different properties are:

  • caption: Each node has a caption that is shown in different places in the UI to the user, e.g. the breadcrumb. You could also use it as the title of your pages.
  • routeExpression: Every node also needs a route expression that defines which URLs should show this node. Routes starting with a slash e.g. /home are absolute and interpreted with regard to the base url of the app. Routes without a starting slash e.g. page1 are combined with the route of the parent. In this case to get /home/page1. Here none of these cases apply as home is the root node and its route expression is always absolute. The default initialization code of rfluxx assumes that the routes of nodes further down the tree are more specific ("longer") than the routes at the top of the tree. Therefore the routes further down the tree are matched before the routes at the top of the tree.
  • containerFactory: Each page has the possibility to define it's own container factory. This reduces friction between pages as the registrations in one page can be changed without affecting another page. If no container factory is specified for a page the central factory is used. In any case a new container is created per page opened.
  • render: In the render property we define which component should be rendered as the content of this site map node.

TODO from here

The withPageContext function injects additional props into components whose props extend/implement the IPageContextProps interface. The most important of those props is the container which can be used to resolve the different stores for this page.

children: [

Finally the site map node can define children that are logically positioned beneath this site map node.

Write a container factory

The container is used for dependency injection of required stores or other classes.

The framework provides an interface to integrate your container of choice but comes with a default container.

The page management needs to know how to create a container for your app if the need arises. Therefore, you must provide at least one central implementation of the IPageContainerFactory interface that creates a new container for any page that does not specify its own container factory.


import { IContainer, SimpleContainer } from "rfluxx";

import { IGlobalComponents, IPageContainerFactory, SimplePageContainerFactoyBase } from "rfluxx-routing";

import { HomeStore } from "./stores/HomeStore";

export class ContainerFactory extends SimplePageContainerFactoryBase
    protected registerStores(container: SimpleContainer, url: URL, routeParameters: RouteParameters): void
        c => new HomeStore({
            pageCommunicationStore: c.resolve("IPageCommunicationStore")

Let's discuss the details here.

export class ContainerFactory extends SimplePageContainerFactoryBase

We extend the SimplePageContainerFactoryBase class which is a base implementation of a container factory that works with the SimpleContainer who comes with the rfluxx package.

protected registerStores(container: SimpleContainer, url: URL, routeParameters: RouteParameters): void

You need to implement a single function that registers the required stores in the container.

It provides the following arguments:

  • container: the container in which you can register your stores. It already comes with some stuff preregistered.
  • url: this is the URL for which a page is loaded
  • routeParameters: nap of parameters that were extracted from the route
    c => new HomeStore({
        pageCommunicationStore: c.resolve("IPageCommunicationStore")

Here we register the HomeStore which implements the interface IHomeStore. It's good practice to use the interface as the key off the registration.

We use the helper function registerStore which ensures injection of common dependencies into the stores (e.g. IActionFactory and IObservableFetcher). It also allows to register the store type multiple times by applying a postfix to the registration key if given. In case you apply such an additional postfix make sure to use resolveStore to get an instance of the store.

The home store has dependencies on two of the preregistered components in the container:

  • IPageCommunicationStore: store used to communicate with other pages

Create app component

For the pages to show you need to design your app component in a proper way.

It needs to render the CurrentPage component that always shows the page that the current url leads to.


import * as React from "react";
import * as Rx from "rxjs";

import { Breadcrumb } from "../../src/Breadcrumb";
import { CurrentPage } from "../../src/CurrentPage";

export interface IAppProps
    siteMapStore: ISiteMapStore;
    pageManagementStore: IPageManagementStore;

export interface IAppState

export class App extends React.Component<IAppProps, IAppState> {

    constructor(props: IAppProps)

        this.state = {


    public render(): any
        return <div>
            <Breadcrumb siteMapStore={this.props.siteMapStore}
                       renderPart={(sn: ISiteMapNode) => <span>... {sn.caption}</span>} /><br />
            <CurrentPage pageManagementStore={this.props.pageManagementStore} />

This app renders the current page and the breadcrumb to this page. Naturally you can customize your app in any way you like.

Initialize routing

The final step is to start up your app and configuring it to use rfluxx routing.


import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";

import * as RfluxxRouting from "rfluxx-routing";

import { App } from "./App";
import { siteMap } from "./SiteMap";
import { ContainerFactory } from "./ContainerFactory";

const containerFactory = new ContainerFactory();

const globalStores = RfluxxRouting.init({
    targetNumberOpenPages: 5,
    rootPath: "/"

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", event =>
    const root = document.getElementById("root");
        <App siteMapStore={globalStores.siteMapStore} pageManagementStore={globalStores.pageManagementStore} />,

That's it. We load the site map, create a container factory and init rfluxx routing with them.

Afterwards we start up the react app as usual.


I try to keep this up to date. But the code examples will always be more up to date.